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Spring 2022

Dear Neighbor:

Happy Spring! The pansies are flourishing in all the tree wells and a sense of renewal is in the air. Over the past year, the Block Association has continued working to further the interests of our neighbors, steadfast in our commitment to uphold our mission to "ensure a good quality of life for the residents of East 69th Street.”

Here is an update on our initiatives:


  • Discretionary Grant –We secured a $5,000 grant through the City Council’s Discretionary Grant Program. This money helps defray some of the cost of the seasonal planting. We have applied again for the upcoming fiscal year.

  • Seasonal Plantings and Trees– As part of our annual effort for the entire block, we plant kale in October, pansies in April, and begonias in June. We continue to advocate with local elected officials and 311 for new trees to be provided by the City, as needed. Over the past few years, new trees were planted in front of 315, 333, and 345.

  • Tree Well Painting – All of the tree well surrounds were scraped, treated with anti-rust guard, and repainted.

  • Liaison with City Agencies – We attend meetings held by Community Board 8, MTA, City Council Member Julie A. Menin, Assembly Member Rebecca A. Seawright, and State Senator Liz Krueger.

  • Member Engagement - We continue to try and broaden our reach to increase the number of neighbors who support the efforts of the Block Association. If you are interested in getting involved, please let us know.


Since meeting in large groups may continue to pose a safety risk, we will not hold an in-person annual meeting this year. Please continue to support the Block Association through the annual membership dues, or zelle on our website, or by check.


Visit us at to keep up with developments in the neighborhood and to sign up to receive updates. A set of specially commissioned watercolor note cards of our block are available for purchase for $15.


To continue growing and to keep our organization vibrant, we are seeking additional board members for the Block Association. We welcome your participation! Please reach out to me or your building captain (Francine Banyon at 301; Audrey Mancher at 315; Nancy Pline at 333, and Chany Marcus at 345) if you would like to get more involved.


As a volunteer-run organization, we rely entirely on your donations to carry out initiatives for the block. Each year, we hope to broaden our membership base and bring on new members. Thank you for your support.



Abigail S. Lash


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